Image Crystal - Gino Battiston
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Image Crystal

Journal of remote visions, universal symbols in the territory of infinite traces, recurrent perceptions. The subtlety of the monochromatic composition explores emotional cavities, pushes towards the essence of things on the intangible: Noosphere.

The photography of the instant is a capture of non-static potentials, from which we recover the escape, traffic of sensations, beyond the speed of light. In the instant, to stop measurable time, to propel oneself towards the virtual, to reach the essence of desire, to return to the present: press the shutter in an event flooded with qualities.

The irremediable need for art makes the work be before being and exist despite never having existed. That is what moves the irrevocable and passionate artist: the immanent in itself, manifesting to the world of the visible. The instant has no chronology. It is itself, with each of its qualities, always. Facets of the same Crystal. The possible will always be because it already is.


Ilford Orthochromatic Plus sheet film 4x5". Multiple exposures, single negative.


Beseler enlarger with 4x5 camera header, Rodenstock 150mm f/5.6 Rodagon.


Analog Photography