Rhizomancy exhibition at Máximo Arias Photography Space & CURATIO. - Gino Battiston
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Rhizomancy exhibition at Máximo Arias Photography Space & CURATIO.

I am pleased to announce that this Friday, May 31, the joint exhibition by Battiston, Schiavone, and Márquez will be inaugurated at the Máximo Arias Photography Space in Mendoza, Argentina.


Thanks to the invitation of Ana Clara Pronotto, director of EFMA, I will be exhibiting six 1 meter high pieces, developed in fine Malbec wine graciously provided by Martín Gabbarini, in charge of Gabbarini wineries and vineyards. This beautiful, complex process opens the doors to my future work exclusively created with Mendoza wines, Great Wine Capital, in large format 4×5 photography.


This collection of 7 works will be exhibited and available for digital acquisition through a contract provided by objkt.com, curated by K0llector as part of an exhibition via the CURATIO platform, with whom I am sincerely grateful for their support, both virtual and heartfelt.





Rooted in the rich Andean winemaking culture, my approach arises from the urgency to explore organic processes, both in the creation of imagery and in the technical processes of development. To this end, I established a photographic laboratory specifically adapted for large format printing and organic analog development, using wine as the main developing agent. The result of experimentation with a variety of sensitive materials, including fiber-based photographic paper, homemade and commercial emulsions on canvas, I explored different varietals and stages of wine maturation, defining the specific characteristics displayed in each piece.


The photographic imagery of Rhizomancy represents Andean roots, recovers fragments and zonal geometries, captured in macro photography sets constructed in the studio, unfolding a virtual geography. This combination of intangible elements resonates with a deeply current, emerging, and ever-developing emotionality. The uniqueness of each work is manifested in various directions; through the overlap of multiple factors, both creator and viewer share in the emergence of an unrepeatable work. The monotypic quality of each piece results from multiple exposures, perspectivism, and organic variables such as the coloring of the paper by the wine. Unique works are born in Rhizomancy.